Centrally located near to the Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Warwickshire border in the middle of rolling countryside and surrounded by fields, and featuring 27 holes of Championship golf, a 9 bay floodlit driving range and clubhouse with bar, restaurant, function suite and golf shop, Cold Ashby Golf Club could be you ideal location for your corporate golf day, society, wedding, conference or private function, or could be a great place to learn to play the game
Oxendon Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9HB, England
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We have assigned email address info@coldashbygolfclub.com to this golf club and we can send you claim code on that email. Please send the claimcode.
In some cases the email we have in our database might be wrong. If that is the case please contact us via email admin@mygolfplanner.com and we will try to resolve this issue.